University of Dundee Business and Human Rights Network – Spring 2023 External Speaker Series
Special Guest Lecture, Prof. LARRY CATÁ BACKER, Penn State University, USA
Monday 13 February 2023, 4-5pm, Room 4.01 Scrymgeour Building
Part 2: The Conundrums of Current Iterations of ESG in Market Economies--Utah et al v. Walsh: Challenging the Biden Administration's Rulemaking Incorporating of Certain ESG Factors in Pension Investment Decisions
All University of Dundee students and staff are welcome to this first talk of the Business and Human Rights Network’s Spring 2023 External Speaker Series.
ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Prof. LARRY CATÁ BACKER is Professor of Law and International Affairs at the School of International Affairs, Penn State University, USA.
Professor LARRY CATÁ BACKER immigrated with his family from Cuba when he was young, growing up in the Cuban American community in Miami. Professor Backer focuses his research on governance-related issues of globalisation. His recent work centres on issues of corporate social responsibility, mixed regulatory systems and regulatory governance (especially touching on Sovereign Wealth Funds and State-Owned Enterprises.
His books include Cuba’s Caribbean Marxism: Essays on Ideology, Government, Society, and Economy in the Post Fidel Castro Era (Little Sir Press, 2018); Lawyers Making Meaning (Springer, 2013) and Signs in Law, A Source Book (Springer, 2014) (both with Jan Broekman), casebooks, Law and Religion (West, 2015, with Frank Ravitch), Comparative Corporate Law (Carolina Academic Press, 2002), Harmonizing Law in an Era of Globalization (Carolina Academic Press, editor, 2007).
He currently teaches courses on corporate social responsibility, corporations, multinational enterprises, and the constitutional law of religion. He teaches courses on policy aspects of these areas at the Penn State School of International Affairs, He has lectured on issues of transnational, corporate and constitutional law in Asia, Latin America, Europe, and Australia, in English and Spanish. Professor Backer is a member of the American Law Institute and the European Corporate Governance Institute.
He has published over 100 articles and book chapters that have appeared in journals and books published in Europe, the United States, Brazil, and China. Shorter essays on various aspects of globalization and governance appear on his essay site, “Law at the End of the Day,”, and his blog Monitoring University Governance: His publications and other work are available on his personal website, BackerinLaw, or through the Social Science Research Network.